When Are Radiation Monitoring Badges Required?

You should really wear a radiation monitoring badge if you operate x-ray machines. This includes cabinet X-ray systems, X-ray fluorescence equipment, and X-ray diffraction equipment. You also need to wear one if you are a pregnant woman working in a laboratory where gamma and x-ray emitters or strong beta emitters are utilized.  

Radiation Monitoring

Optional Monitoring 

You may request a radiation monitoring badge service if you work in a lab where strong beta emitters or gamma emitters are used, even if you don’t meet the standards for required monitoring. Most companies do not offer monitoring for individuals working in labs in which only low energy beta emitters or alpha emitters are utilized. This is because most radiation monitoring badges can’t detect these types of radiation.  

How Does a Monitoring Badge Work? 

The ring badge and the body badge each have a lithium fluoride crystal that is sensitive to radiation. Electrons are confined in an excited state, when crystals’ atoms are exposed to radiation, until the crystal is warmed to a very high temperature. The energy that is released due to excitation – that is shown off as a bright light – is measured to know the dosage of the radiation. Thermolumisecence is the name of the phenomenon. Oftentimes, the dosimeters that utilized this law are denoted to as Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLDs). 

For gamma rays and X-rays, the minimum dose reported for the body badge is around 10 millirems. On the other hand, for gamma rays and X-rays, the minimum dosage that is detectable by a ring band is around 20 millirems.  

Where to Wear Monitoring Badges? 

  • Wear the body badge on the body part between the waist and neck that’s nearest to the radiation source. 
  • The badge holds a filter series built so that the type and energy of the radiation could be determined. The dosimeter should be worn in a manner that the badge’s front faces towards the radiation source in order for the energy and the type of radiation to be known.  
  • Wear the ring badge in a manner that its label will face out from the hand’s side that will possibly receive more exposure to the radiation. 
  • Wear the ring badge inside the glove if you are wearing one. This will prevent the ring from being contaminated. Do not leave your badge inside your glove if you remove it. 


  • Do not ever share badges or wear a badge of another individual. Notify the professional immediately if you lose your badge or if you destroyed it. Usually, a professional could give you with badges for replacement within several hours. 
  • Never expose your badge intentionally to radiation. It is a very serious legal problem if you tampered your badge intentionally. 
  • Never ever wear a badge when you receive your medical X-ray or other treatment that requires medical radiation, no matter how curious you really are. The badges that you have are designed to document the dosage for your occupation and not the dosage for medical treatments.  

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